Fortress in Nysa

When Nysa was conquered in 1741 by the army of Frederick II, king of Prussia, it was decided to make the most modern fortress in Europe, with all types of fortifications: water and cannon fort, redoubt, bastion, roofed shooting fortification and ravelin.

While visiting these places, the following attractions are recommended: Fort II - constructed in 1865-66 and the best preserved, largest Prussia Fort shapes like a star, Water Fort built by the Austrians in 1741 and renewed in recent years. 60% of fortifications, with the area of 230 hectares, have been preserved in Nysa. Several-metre high walls were perfect for a prison, therefore, marquis de LaFayett, a co-author of Declaration of Human and Citizen Rights, and a participant of the American War of Independence was kept there. After beheading 1500 opponents of the revolution, he ran from France to Austria which turned him in to Prussia. From the fortress in Magdeburg he came to Prussia Fort in Nysa from which he was again transferred to Austria. The Austrians put him in dungeons of Olomuniec. Charles de Gaulle, the future president of France, was the famous prisoner of dungeons of Nysa during World War I. In February 1916, he was wounded on the head and captured. From May to September, he remained in the prision of Nysa. He was punished for an escape attempt by transferring him to a correction camp in Inglolstadt.



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